Monday 19 July 2010

Our house, in the middle of our street...

Well, hello there peeps, it's been a while again! I'm currently in the middle of writing 4 separate blogs, so do forgive the delay. Although I suppose if you’re actually reading this, there’s 3 blogs left to put up. It’s like the wussiest version of busy ever.
Well, as I said a while ago I moved into my lovely new abode on the 1st of July. Since my family have always lived in the same house before now I’ve never really had the pleasure of moving into my own lil house. Granted, it’s not entirely mine, (I’m sharing with 6 mates) but it’s nevertheless a step in an exciting new direction.Since I knew I would have my own room I have had the plan to turn it into a small studio, in which I will record my first album Into the Sun with my band hQ (unfinished blog number 1). All that is left to complete the studio part is the computer which I’m building myself! (unfinished blog number 2).
So, without further ado, allow me to introduce my new living space! It’s still a work in progress, though, and I have a LOT more posters to put up...

The Wall of Progressive Inspiration!
Desk (Yum, chippy remains...)Progpit studios! (construction pending.) It’s also probably worth mentioning that it’s on a really cool antique dresser type thing that I got with the room. There was a not on it asking me not to damage it, so there’s a little sheet under all the heavy things. I’m also pretty proud of the fact that the dresser opens up into my guitar rig, but seeing as pieces of it are here and some pieces are at home and/or broken, I’ll show you some other time. This is the part I’m most proud of, all the bits seemed to fit together seamlessly but I won’t bore you with the finer details. Maybe it’ll give you an excuse to come visit!Epic bed! It’s probably worth mentioning that I didn’t think the sheets would be as shiny as they turned out to be when I bought them, and it seems to add a slightly Peter Stringfellow quality to the room. It’s not THAT bad a turnout. I might have to buy a tigerskin rug to go with it...And this is my workshop for now. Although procrastination is crippling most of my projects, I’m rebuilding a guitar and cutting down some cymbals to make a myriad selection of bell chimes and splashes. I might even try and spiral one to make one of these beauties...And with that I bid you all adieu, until i get the pictures of the new hQ gear. (unfinished blog 3).

Bye guys!

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